
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Florence and Alice and Stan and Magnolia

Florence and Alice and Stan and Magnolia
Trip Journal #8            Sept 29 & 30, 2018

Florence – as in Hurricane

As we drove south and east towards North Carolina, we are especially aware that on September 14, Hurricane Florence had just hit this part of NC … 15 days ago. 

Trees were down all along the highways and as we drove through little towns, we witnessed the sad accumulations of people’s possessions humbly arranged on their front yards. Winds took out the trees and roofs and floods spoiled their basements and first floors. This picture is in New Bern, NC.

Alice and Stan

Jacksonville, North Carolina’s claim to fame is Dan’s sister and brother-in-law, Alice and Stan. Eight years since we have seen Alice and they welcome us as though we had just been there last month. 

They also lost three of their seven oaks to the hurricane – the last three. The previous four were lost to prior earthquakes. 


However, most impervious is the magnificent Magnolia tree that graces their front yard and has withstood all attempts to annihilate it.


Visiting family you’ve known for over 60 years brings out the pictures. Dan has seven brothers and sisters. This picture is of six of them with blind grandma and a couple older cousins. Alice is the petite girl in the far left of the picture.

Alice’s Restaurant

First, you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (apologies to Arlo Guthrie); second, have you ever read the lyrics to that crazy song? Third, Alice, Dan’s sister in this story makes a great Italian Dinner and an awesome Breakfast. Fourth: Such great hosts ... feeds us and fixes our RV. Brilliant! Fifth, our dinner out at Texas Roadhouse!

Thank You and a Shout Out and We love you, Alice and Stan 


Feedin’ and Fixin’

Earlier in the week, our pump/macerator had gone out and we had ordered one to be sent to their house. It arrived the day we arrived and now Dan has a job crawling under our Coyote to replace it. First, he had to purchase ramps to lift the Roadtrek; second, he had to crawl under there; BUT guess what? He still could not fit. Fifth, Stan (our hero) volunteered to try and he could fit. Moreover, he is experienced in auto repair and he saved our bacon. 

Dan of course helped wherever he could handing him tools and encouraging his efforts.

A museum only open to the privileged few ... Coca-Cola! In Alice's sun-room. 

Next ... heading deeper south: Charleston and Savannah.

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